Can you train for a marathon by running on a treadmill? People have different opinions about this. Some like running outside, while others like using a treadmill. In this article, we will help you determine if a treadmill is a good option.

The answer is yes, you can train for a marathon on a treadmill. You can use it for special speed exercises or even do all your training runs on it.

Many people have prepared for marathons this way and did well.

Benefits Of Marathon Training On A Treadmill

Thinking about marathon training on a treadmill? Here are some excellent points:

  • Anytime You Want: You can run day or night.
  • No Weather Worries: Do not
  • think about rain or snow.
  • Close to Home: Easy access to water and the bathroom.
  • Safe and Sound: You are safe indoors.
  • Same Workout: It is easy to compare your runs each day.
  • Keep Your Speed: You control your pace easily.
  • Train for Hills: You can add an incline even if you live where it’s flat.
  • Get Strong Mentally: It helps you build willpower.
  • Run with Friends: You can run next to a friend even if you run at different speeds.

Did you know? People find keeping a steady pace on a treadmill easier.

Drawbacks Of Marathon Training On A Treadmill

  • Getting Bored: Running a long time on a treadmill can be boring. You can listen to music or watch TV to make it more fun.
  • Risk of Injury: Doing the same thing repeatedly can hurt you. Try running outside sometimes to change it up.
  • No Fresh Air: You will not get sun or fresh air inside. Take a vitamin D pill to help.
  • Running Alone: You can only run with friends if you have more than one treadmill or go to a gym.
  • The Belt Helps Too Much: The moving belt can make running easier. That’s not the same as running outside.

Did you know that half of the people who use treadmills find it boring but also say they get hurt less? So, there are good and bad sides to it.

Tips For Marathon Training On A Treadmill 

Use an Incline

If you are training for a marathon on a treadmill, that’s okay. But treadmills are more accessible than running outside. To make your indoor training more like the real thing, set your treadmill to go uphill by 1-3%.

This helps make up for how treadmills are usually more accessible. Some coaches even suggest making it a little steeper to get you ready for the big day. 

Always Warm Up

Ready to exercise but do not like the treadmill? No worries! Warming up is essential, especially for treadmill workouts for fat beginners. A good warm-up can make you perform better by as much as 20%.

Here’s how to warm up:

  • First, walk fast at 3 to 3.5 MPH for 5 to 7 minutes. This gets your heart rate up.
  • Then, jog lightly at a 5 to 5.5 MPH speed for another 5 to 7 minutes. This prepares your muscles for the actual workout.

Your warm-up does not need to be long, just about 15 to 20 minutes. After that, you can increase your speed and start your main workout.

Follow a Marathon Training Plan

Whether you like to run outside or do long runs on a treadmill, having a good training plan helps a lot. It keeps things exciting and makes you stronger.

Once you have a plan, you can do all those workouts on your treadmill. Always listen to how your body feels. If you need a day off, that’s okay.

If you cannot run as fast as you planned, do not worry. Studies show that 85% of people change their training plans based on feelings. It is okay to be flexible. So could you put on your shoes and give it your best?

Keep Your Eyes Up and Maintain Proper Form

Let’s make treadmill running better for you, especially if you are a tall runner. First, do not look down or play with your phone. Look straight ahead. This helps your back and stomach muscles work better. Further, it’s safer for you.

Keep your shoulders relaxed and your hips straight. Make sure your feet land softly on the treadmill. This is good for your whole body.

Now, let’s talk about steps per minute, also known as “cadence.” Try to take 180 steps per minute. This is a good number that helps you run better and feel less tired. You can use an app to help you keep this pace.

Avoid Overly Short Strides

Are you running on a treadmill? Be careful! Your legs might start taking smaller steps without you even noticing. This can mess up how you run outside. Many experts say it’s too fast if your stride rate goes over 200 beats per minute.

A cool fix? Use a metronome. Yes, it is a bit weird at first. But keep trying. It will help you get better at your track workouts for marathon training.

In simple words, a metronome can make your indoor running as good as running outside. 

Use Good Form

When running on a treadmill, place your iPad or TV before your eyes. This way, you can keep your head straight and look forward.

Keep your chest up and your shoulders relaxed. Make sure your stomach muscles are tight and stand straight. Do not hold the handrails; just let your arms move freely by your sides. And always wear the safety strap. It is there to catch you if you trip or lose your balance.

So there you go, these are the basics of learning to run on a treadmill safely.



Tackling a marathon is no cakewalk, but who says it’s impossible? Especially when you are learning to run on a treadmill.

Whether you are an indoor enthusiast or an outdoor junkie, finding a routine that does not bore you to tears is the trick. Start slow, then ramp up those miles. Consider throwing in some sprints to keep it spicy.

Are you stuck in a rut? Refrain from guessing your way through; seek professional help. A running coach or a nifty app can be your guide—a small step for you but a giant leap for your marathon dreams.

Let’s run this show, shall we?